
For the Nursery and Primary schools, admission is based on age and performance in placement test respectively. Age 3 is the minimum age for admission into Nursery 1 class. Children below 3 years may have to be admitted into Day care (3 – 23 months) or Pre-nursery (24 months) as the case may be. Pupils are admitted into Primary at a minimum of 5 years.

Admission into Secondary School is by Entrance Examination which holds every 2nd Saturday of May, June, July and August every year. Candidates for admission must be at least 10 years old as at the time of commencement of study in the school. They must have completed primary education and must also pass the School’s Entrance Examination and selection interview.

Admission may be given to candidates transferring from other schools provided such candidates pass the Assessment and Placement Test (APT) of the school and satisfy all other conditions.

Total Child School has Introduced online registration for Entrance Examination using Computer Based Test

Good Education for Kids

Total Child Port Harcourt has introduced the use of Computer Based Test for all its Entrance Examination.

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